Students of Azerbaijan University participating in the hackathon were awarded with certificates

Students of Azerbaijan University participating in the hackathon were awarded with certificates

26 october 2023

Baxış sayı: 555

The Engineering Hackathon is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of national leader Heydar Aliyev has ended. Students of Azerbaijan University participating in the hackathon - members of the "AU_1" team Sanan Ismayilov (computer engineering), Flora Karimova (computer engineering), Amil Gasimov (computer engineering) were awarded with certificates and valuable gifts.

The competition “Heydar Aliyev – 100 : The Engineering Hackathon” was attended by 30 teams representing 21 higher education institutions. The participants tested their knowledge on 3 topics and offered interesting solutions to the tasks on “Ecology and Environment”, “Transport and Logistics”, “Technology and Innovation”.

The Hackathon was jointly organized by the Central Office of the New Azerbaijan Party and Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.

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