Azerbaijan University lecturers give lectures to Uzbekistan students

Azerbaijan University lecturers give lectures to Uzbekistan students

31 march 2023

Baxış sayı: 735

Head of the Department of Political Sciences of Azerbaijan University, PhD in Political Sciences Elvin Talishinski and teacher of the Department Farahila Shukurova give lectures to the students of Urgench State Pedagogical Institute of Uzbekistan. Lectures cover the history of Azerbaijani-Uzbek relations, Heydar Aliyev's heritage and the Turkic world, system of national and moral values of the Azerbaijani people, historical and cultural monuments destroyed in Karabakh during the Armenian occupation and so on. The lectures organized remotely and started in March, will continue in April. Implementation of the project is intended as an important contribution to development of cooperation in the field of education between two brotherly countries with a common language, history and moral values.

Lectures are organized according to the memorandum signed between universities. The purpose of the memorandum is to establish and develop cooperation between these two higher education institutions. The memorandum provides for such areas of joint cooperation as exchange of researchers and other administrative staff; exchange of students, master students and lecturers; implementation of joint research projects and internship programs; organization of joint lectures and symposiums; exchange of academic information and materials. 

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