Azerbaijan University will host the V European Economic Congress

Azerbaijan University will host the V European Economic Congress

22 november 2018

Baxış sayı: 4140

The 4th European Economic Congress, held in Kocaeli, Turkey, co-organized by Azerbaijan University has succesfully been completed. Organizers of the intrnational event were Kocaeli University and WSB University in Poland.

130 researchers from 16 countries attended the 4th European Economic Congress held on November 15-17. 80 lectures on actual problems of modern economy were listened and discussions were held in this direction

Azerbaijan University was represented by the delegation led by Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Yusif Gasimov in the prestigious international event.

As a result of discussions between Azerbaijan University and Kocaeli University, it was decided to hold the 5th European Economic Congress (ECOEI V) at Azerbaijan University on 25-27 April 2019. This information is posted on the official website of the congress:

We invite all researchers and scientists to participate in the event and present their scientific results.

Link to the official website of the Congress:

Public Relations Department

V Avropa İqtisadi Konqresi Azərbaycan Universitetində keçiriləcək