Bakhtiyar Badalov is taking part in the international Erasmus event

Bakhtiyar Badalov is taking part in the international Erasmus event

11 may 2022

Baxış sayı: 1028

Bakhtiyar Badalov, Head of the International Relations Department of Azerbaijan University, is taking part in the Erasmus International Week held at Timisioara University in Romania. At the international event attended by 80 representatives from 20 countries, Bakhtiyar Badalov made a presentation on Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan University.

The tenth Erasmus International Week, which started on May 9th, will end on May 13rd.

It should be noted that Azerbaijan University joined the international credit mobility program Erasmus in 2015. Cooperation with the University of Timisioara in Romania began in 2020.

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