"Modern family model" webinar dedicated to the International Family Day was held

15 may 2020

Baxış sayı: 2690

The Organization of Social Work Department of the Azerbaijan University held a webinar on "Modern family model" dedicated to May 15 - International Family Day.

The webinar provided participants with general information on the establishment and celebration of the International Family Day, touched upon topics such as the traditional family model, modern family model, family conflicts, family and social worker cooperation.

In the webinar, master's students majoring in social work in various fields of life Aygun Muradli "Global view, problems and prospects of the family model", Kamala Abbasova "Modern family model", Sajda Mammadova "Inter-communal family relations in the lowlands", Aysel Babayeva "Parents in the upbringing of children Lala Huseynova, a third-year student majoring in social work, and Narmin Ahmadova, a second-year student, presented a presentation on “Comparative Analysis of Traditional and Modern Families”.

At the end, the topic was discussed.

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