Student admission is announced to European universities

Student admission is announced to European universities

22 october 2018

Baxış sayı: 3071

To the students’ attention!

The International Relations Department of Azerbaijan University announces a student admission to Koblenz University of Germany, Italian Sapienza University of Italy and Dubrovnik University of Croatia in the framework of the Erasmus + exchange program. 5 students from our university will be able to study at Koblenz University in Germany, and 3 students at the Sapienza University of Italy, and 1 of our students will be able study at Dubrovnik University in Croatia.

The students who  have  English  language proficiency and GPA score above 2.5 can apply to the International Relations Department to continue their education in the above-mentioned European universities during the spring semester of the 2018/2019 academic year.

Undergraduate and graduate students who want to develop their social skills and outlook, gain new friends, get acquainted with new culture and traditions, and develop English language can benefit from this opportunity.

Students studying on business and economics specialties can apply to Koblenz and Dubrovnik Universities, students studying in all specialties can apply to Sapienza University of Italy.

Students whose applicantions are admitted will be provided with full scholarships during their studies and their credits will then be transferred to Azerbaijan University.

The deadline for the application is October 25, 2018.

International Relations Department is on the 4th floor.

Contact number: (+99412) 431 41 12 daxili 130, 055 220 40 53

Public Relations Department

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