The event on “International Day of Vision Disabilities” was held

The event on “International Day of Vision Disabilities” was held

13 november 2019

Baxış sayı: 3200

Enlightenment session on the topic “The general life activity of the visually impaired” was held by the 4th years’ students studying social work at Azerbaijan University. The event on The Day of Disabled Persons is organized by the "Empathy Club" at the Department of Social Work on November 13.

The event provided information on the history of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and the activities of Azerbaijani Society for the Visually Impaired. There was  an exchange of views on the challenges faced by people with visual impairments, the problems they face while getting an education, working, using technology and their solutions. Discussion on preparing audiobooks, conducting lectures with the help of Braille alphabet, drawing yellow stripes in infrastructure, increasing the number of traffic lights with sounds and other issues were held.  At the same time, some issues with the  help of social workers with visually-impaired people on the adaptation were discussed.

The honorable guest of the event - Murad Yunusov, visually impaired, shared his experience with students and introduced the Braille alphabet to them.

It should be noted the celebration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on November 13 allows us to remember that there are people who are different from us. This date is connected with the birth of one of the first Tiflopedagogues, the author of the Relief Alphabet for the Blinds, the founder of the first educational institution for the visually impaired, the well-known French philanthropist Valentine Gauini. He was born on 13 November 1745. The World Health Organization has announced the birth date of the person with a vision disability.

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