International Relations Department held information Day on study opportunities abroad

International Relations Department  held information Day on study opportunities abroad

04 november 2023

Baxış sayı: 434

Information Day on Erasmus+ KA1 faculty and student mobility project was held for students by the International Relations Department of Azerbaijan University. Head of the Department Elmira Ismayilova and dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics Khanym Guliyeva informed the participants about the universities with which Azerbaijan University is a partner within the project, the application conditions, required documents and application dates. 

Then, students of the Faculty of Business And Economics of the University and participants of Erasmus+ KA1 project Marina Nasibova (Finance, 4th year student) and Egemen Zafer (Business Administration, 2nd year student) made presentations and shared their experiences and impressions with the students. 

It should be noted that Marina Nasibova and Egemen Zafer studied at Koblenz University in Germany for the spring semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. 

 Public Relations Department