Knowledge Foundation has organized a lecture at the Azerbaijan University

Knowledge Foundation has organized a lecture at the Azerbaijan University

15 november 2018

Baxış sayı: 4241

A lecture on "Diabetes risk-creating lifestyle" was held at Azerbaijan University on November 14 - World Diabetes Day.

Shahla Mirzazadeh, doctor-expert of the Public Health and Reforms Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, conducted a lecture organized by the Knowledge Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Advisor of Knowledge Foundation Aytan Khubanova informed the students about the activities of the organization and the awareness-raising activities carried out in various spheres. Khubanova said that one of the main activities of the Knowledge Foundation is medical education of young people.

Doctor-expert Shahla Mirzazadeh noted that diabetes is one of the 4 most common diseases among non-infectious diseases and threatens global sustainable development. An unhealthy lifestyle is the main cause of this disease. Proper nutrition and lifestyle are the main factors that prevent the disease.

Information on the symptoms, complications, prophylaxis and treatment of the disease was delivered in the lecture.  It was noted that regular work is being carried out in order to prevent diabetes. In 2003, the law "On state care for persons with diabetes mellitus" was adopted by the Milli Majlis and signed by President Ilham Aliyev in 2004 on the implementation of this law. Upon the instruction of Mr. President, the Strategy for Non-infectious Diseases in Azerbaijan for 2015-2020 has been approved in 2015.

Students' questions were answered, exchange of views on the lecture was carried out at the end.

Public Relations Department