The first-year students get acquainted with the usage of Library Information Center

The first-year students get acquainted with the usage of Library Information Center

22 october 2019

Baxış sayı: 2799

Library and Information Center at Azerbaijan University hold a training “Guidelines for using the services of the Library and Information Center” for the first-year students. The training was conducted by the head of Scientific Library Naila Naghiyeva and senior ICT specialist Ziya Huseynov.

Membership and usage guidelines to the electronic library were explained in the event. The students were informed that e-library is available for them by receiving a username and password from the library.

It was noted that the electronic library works over the web and all processes are fully automated through the software. After accessing the University's website, you can get acquainted with the rich, up-to-date book fund from the "Electronic Library" link, and respond quickly to inquiries without the help of a librarian - bibliographer. Classical catalogs have been replaced by electronic catalogs. Readers can carry out surveys in various aspects, and track book activity by ordering books via the electronic catalog.

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