The first year students watched the film “Story of a Hero in Lalatepe (Lalatepede yazilan dastan)”

The first year students watched the film “Story of a Hero in Lalatepe (Lalatepede yazilan dastan)”

01 april 2019

Baxış sayı: 2870

The first year students of Azerbaijan University watched the film “Story of a Hero in Lalatepe (Lalatepede yazilan dastan)”. Producing by Public Unity Help to the Martyrs’ Families and Defense of their Rights with the financial support of Council on State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations under the President of Republic of Azerbaijan the documentary was devoted to the graduate of Azerbaijan University and the April martyr Fakhraddin Gurbanli. The martyr’s family members, school and university teachers, classmates and groupmates spoke about the way of his life with sharing their memories. The martyr's family members watched the film together with the university staff and students.

The film was demonstrated on the occasion of the third anniversary of the April wars in 2016. On April 9, 2016, Fakhraddin Gurbanli was killed while preventing the provocation of the Armenian armed forces in the direction of Tartar in the front line. After his death he was awarded the 3rd degree medal "For Distinction in Military Service".

Azerbaijan University, which constantly holds the memory of martyr graduate established “A scholarship named after Fakhraddin Gurbanli” in 2016.  The total amount of the scholarship is 500 AZN and it is given to a student who has been admitted to the University with the highest points in the first semester of the first academic year.

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