Five students of the School of Business and Economics graduate before due date

Five students of the School of Business and Economics graduate before due date

12 january 2017

Baxış sayı: 5336


Five students of the School of Business and Economics have managed to complete their studies ahead of schedule. Ayten Asadova (World Economy), Tural Salimli (Finance), Rauf Jafarov (Finance), Lamiya Mammadli (Finance) and Ulvi Abdullaev (Marketing) graduated before the time specified by the standard.


The students were able to achieve success due to their high results and the program  they were on - BBA program of Azerbaijan University (undergraduate Business Administration program) – as well as the advantages of credit system.


Having achieved high scores in their state examinations, the students have gained the right to receive a bachelor degree diploma in their specialties.

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