Our students practicing in Boccha were awarded letters of appreciation

Our students practicing in Boccha were awarded letters of appreciation

27 may 2022

Baxış sayı: 1050

16 students of Azerbaijan University, studying in the specialty of Social Affairs, undergoing work practice at the Azerbaijan Boccha Sports Federation of the National Olympic Committee on February 16-May 24, were awarded letters of thanks from the President of the Federation, Chairman of the Board of the Social Services Agency under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Vugar Behbudov. The leadership of the federation, the head of the Department of Organization of Social Affairs of Azerbaijan University Tunzala Verdiyeva, the dean of the faculty Asif Pashayev, the head of practice Ulvi Aliyev, Boccha athletes and student interns took part in the awarding event.

At the event, the vice-president of the federation, Ilham Maharramov, delivered an opening speech and introduced the student interns to the new president of the Boccha Sports Federation, Vugar Behbudov. Ilham Maharramov noted that internship in the specialty for students is an integral part of the relevant education program and students undergoing industrial practice acquire important skills for future work.

Further, student interns Gulnar Ulubeyli, Orkhan Mirzayev and Hasangyul Huseynova informed about the work done during the period of practice, shared with the participants of the event sincere impressions about the sport and Boccha athletes.

The event ended with the awarding of student interns with letters of thanks and a memorable photo session.

Representatives of the University got acquainted with the building of the Federation and its capabilities.

Note that this sport was included in the program of the Paralympic Games in 1984. In 2013, the promotion of this sport by the National Paralympic Committee of Azerbaijan began and a national team was created. The Boccha Sports Federation was established in 2018. Children, youth and adults with severe disabilities can try their hand at this new sport for Azerbaijan.

IV-year students in the specialty "Social Affairs", undergoing industrial practice in the Azerbaijan Boccha Sports Federation of the

National Olympic Committee and awarded with memorable letters

  • Aziz Azizli
  • Jahan Fahratova
  • Huseyn Huseynli
  • Tural Huseynov
  • Hasangyul Huseynova
  • Okumakhanum Ibragimova
  • Mahammad Ismailov
  • Nargiz Kerimova
  • Farid Maharramov
  • Fuad Maharramov
  • Orkhan Mirzaev
  • Intizam Tagiyev
  • Gulnar Ulubeyli
  • Sevinj Karimzade
  • Arzu Valiyeva
  • Baladadash Imanli

Public Relations Department