The Republican scientific conference is being held at Azerbaijan University

The Republican scientific conference is being held at Azerbaijan University

10 october 2018

Baxış sayı: 3143

Today, the republican scientific conference on actual problems and perspective trends of the national economic development in the modernization process is being held.

The event will begin at 10.00 a.m. with the opening speech of the rector of the University Saadat Aliyeva.

Director of the Department of Organization and Management of Scientific Activities of the Azerbaijan State Economic University, Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs at the Russian Economic School of the Azerbaijan State Economic University , professor Elshad Mammadov will present a report at the plenary session.

After the break, the conference will continue in two sections, the urgent issues of the sustainable development of economy of Azerbaijan and the main trends in innovation economics.

Afterwards, the conference will be held in two separate sections: the urgent issues of the sustainable development of economy of Azerbaijan and main areas of innovative economy in modernization.

The conference will conclude its work with the reports of the chairmen of the departments.

The materials of the conference are printed in bulk and will be presented to the participants during the registration.

Public Relations Department