Today is Republic Day in Azerbaijan

Today is Republic Day in Azerbaijan

28 may 2019

Baxış sayı: 3090

Today is the 101st anniversary of Azerbaijan People’s Republic that was first parliamentary republic in the east and Turkish Islamic world.

Azerbaijan People’s Republic that was declared on the 28th may, 1918 in Tbilisi has remained in our memory the most honorable event of our history.

Implementing the historical mission with honor in complicated social-political condition, Azerbaijan People’s Republic with its abundant state building experience influenced on our national statehood history.

Strengthening sense of freedom in people’s mind it served as reliable background for our future independence.

Restoring its independence at the end of the last century Azerbaijan  Republic  was established through historical legacy. Azerbaijan Republic accepted the anthem, the flag and the state emblem of Azerbaijan People’s Republic as its political follower.

The 28th May, when Declaration of Independence was declared, is celebrated as Republic Day in our country.

2018 year was declared as Republic Day in Azerbaijan in accordance with the order of the President.

100th anniversary of Azerbaijan People’s Republic was celebrated at state level, republic builders’ activity was valued highly and their memories were perpetuated.

We congratulate everyone on the occasion of the great day wishing our people great victory in the struggle for eternal, unbreakable independence.

Happy holiday!

Public Relations Department