Today is the birthday of Professor Asif Hajiyev

Today is the birthday of Professor Asif Hajiyev

03 april 2018

Baxış sayı: 4849

Today is the birthday of prominent scientist and researcher, literary critic, folklorist, doctor of philological sciences, professor of Azerbaijan University Asif Hajiyev.

We congratulate prominent scientist on his birthday on behalf of the staff of Azerbaijan University, wish him health, success in his scientific and publicistic activities!

Asif Abbas Hajiyev was born in 1960 in Sarvan village of Borchali district of Georgia. He graduated from the faculty of philology of Baku State University with honors diploma in 1982.

A.Hajiyev worked as commander of the Military Lyseum named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski in 1982-1986. He started working as a teacher at Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute of the Russian Language and Literature named after M.F.Akhundov since 1986. He was a chairman of Young Scholar Council and Student Scientific Society.

He worked as a teacher and an assistant professor at the Department of History of Russian Literature. He defended his candidate thesis in 1987 and doctorate dissertation in 1998.

He was a Vice Rector for Educational Affairs at Baku Slavic University from May 2000 to March 2014. He was the rector of Baku Slavic University from March 2014 to June 2016.

Professor Asif Hajiyev conducts researches on literature theory, poetics of Turkish folklore, historical poetry, contemporary literature, mythology and folklore, interprets, and publishes literary and critical articles in the press. He is the author of nearly 30 monographs and textbooks and more than 200 scientific articles. His works were published in Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Georgia and in countries others.

Public Relations Deparment

Today is the birthday of Professor Asif Hajiyev