Today is the birthday of Professor Dunyamali Valiyev

Today is the birthday of Professor Dunyamali Valiyev

13 march 2018

Baxış sayı: 5065

Today is the birthday of professor of Finance and Economics Department Dunyamali Valiyev. We congratulate Mr. Valiyev on his birthday, wish him success in his scientific-pedagogical activity!

Dunyamali Amir Valiyev was born in Marneuli region, Republic of Georgia in 1942. He graduated from the faculty of Finance-Credit of Baku State University.  He defended his candidate thesis in 1971 and doctorate dissertation in 2010.  He is a Doctor of Economical Sciences and Professor.

In 1964-1971 Credit Inspector, Chief Credit Inspector, Deputy Head of Department of Baku City Department of the USSR Construction Bank, he worked as an associate professor of the Baku branch of the Rostov Railway Institute in 1971 -1978, Senior Research Fellow, Department Head, Vice-director at the Institute of Oriental Studies of ANAS in 1978-1993, he was the Head of Foreign Economic Relations Department at the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 1993-1994. He is the head of East-West Department of the Institute of Oriental Studies of ANAS since 2012.

He has been working at Azerbaijan University since 1995.

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