Today is Professor Rovshan Guliyev’s birthday

Today is Professor Rovshan Guliyev’s birthday

13 february 2018

Baxış sayı: 4741

Professor of Finance and Economics Department Rovshan Guliyev celebrates his birthday today. We congratulate Mr. Guliyev and wish him success in his scientific-pedagogical activities.

Rovshan Rasim Guliyev was born in 1957 in Aghdam city. He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Baku State University with honors diploma in 1978. He defended his Candidate’s thesis in 1984 and his Doctor’s thesis in 2005. He is a Doctor of Economic Sciences and Professor.

Mr.Guliyev served as a junior research fellow, senior research fellow, Sector Head, Laboratory Head of USSR Institute of Cybernetics of Agriculture in Moscow (the Institute of Agrarian Problems and Informatics of the Academy of Russia since 1994) within 1984-2000.

He worked as a Department Head at the Moscow “НПО Каскад-М” in 2000-2004, Department Head of Economic Reforms of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2004-2006, National Coordinator at the Faculty of African and Eastern Studies at London University in 2006-2007, Head of the Department at Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University in 2013-2014, Project Coordinator at the Association of Independent Economic Model in 2014-2015, he was a senior research fellow at the Azerbaijan Institute of Agricultural Economics and Organization in April- May, 2015.

He is the Deputy Director of the Scientific-Research Institute of Economic Investigations of the Azerbaijan State University of Economic since 2015.  He has been working at Azerbaijan University since 2008.

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