The Caglayan’s new issue published

The Caglayan’s new issue published

17 march 2021

Baxış sayı: 2286

The 8th issue of The Caglayan, the corporate journal of Azerbaijan University has been published. The new issue of the journal published twice a year is dedicated to the glorious victory of our country in the 44-day Patriotic War.

The new issue gives coverage to the activity of the university in 2020, various aspects of university and student life as well as scientific works.

The pages "Our National-Cultural Heritage" contain extensive information about Karabakh, an integral part of Azerbaijan and its beating heart, with its historical, material cultural heritage, rich literature, art, music, fascinating nature, natural resources, tourism potential and the best examples of folk art.

As usual, the pages of "Our Alumni" illustrate the success of our graduates.

The journal is also available on the website of Azerbaijan University in an electronic format.

Link to the journal’s page

Public Relations Department