The implementation of the “Diplomatic Table” simulation project has started in the Department of Political Sciences

The implementation of the “Diplomatic Table” simulation project has started in the Department of Political Sciences

17 october 2023

Baxış sayı: 408

The implementation of the “Diplomatic Table” simulation project has started in the Department of Political Sciences of Azerbaijan University. The first diplomatic table within the project is dedicated to “Azerbaijan-Russia relations”. At the Table, students studying in various specialties discussed topics relevant to Azerbaijani-Russian relations.

The event was opened by head of the Department of Political Sciences, PhD in the Political Sciences Elvin Talyshinsky, who gave information about the project. Head of the department noted that within the framework of the project, students will participate in debates and discussions, defending the positions of states on various topics.

Then the students discussed topical issues such as the assessment of Russia's role in the settlement of the Karabakh conflict; the possibilities and prospects for the complete departure of Russian peacekeeping forces from the region in the near future; the role and influence of Russia in the South Caucasus after the complete settlement of the Karabakh conflict.

The event was attended by Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics, Khanym Guliyeva, the lecturers of the Department of Political Sciences, Associate Prof. Rauf Samadov, Kamran Behbudov, and Samir Humbatov.

It should be noted that the “Diplomatic Table” simulation was moderated by head of the Department of Political Science Elvin Talyshinski and the lecturer of the Department Rafig Ibrahimov. The main purpose of the project is to develop skills such as public speaking, independent research and debate in students.

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