Doctoral candidate Ceyhun Bayramli`s preliminary discussion was held

Doctoral candidate Ceyhun Bayramli's preliminary discussion was held

15 april 2019

Baxış sayı: 3860

At the open session of the Department of Social Sciences of Azerbaijan University, the preliminary discussion of the dissertation on the topic of "Historiography of the Khurramids Movement", which Jeyhun Maharram oglu Bayramli undertook to obtain a PhD degree in history was held.

Prof. Gabil Aliyev, Head of the Department, presided the meeting and the professor-teaching staff of the department participated. The department head presented a candidate to the discussion participants and gave information about his scientific and pedagogical activity.

The candidate gave information about the relevance of the work, the purpose and objectives of the research, the newness of the thesis, as well as the work done, familiarized the participants with the content of the dissertation and answered the questions.

Later, the professor-teacher staff of the department discussed the thesis and presented their remarks and proposals.

At the end, it was noted that the scientific work meets the requirements for obtaining a PhD degree in History and was recommended for defense.

Candidate's scientific director is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Anar Iskenderov.

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