We congratulate associate professor Amina Ibrahimli on the occasion of the 50th anniversary

We congratulate associate professor Amina Ibrahimli on the occasion of the 50th anniversary

06 december 2017

Baxış sayı: 4952

Today is the 50th birthday anniversary of Amina Ibrahimli, the assosiate professor of  Azerbaijan Language and Literature Department. We congratulate Amina khanum on the occasion of her anniversary on behalf of the staff of Azerbaijan University!

Amina Gudrat Ibrahimli is a PhD in philology and associate professor. She graduated from Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University in 1990 and began her career at the same university.

She worked as a senior laboratory assistant at Azerbaijan University in the years 1993-1995. She has been working as a teacher at Azerbaijan University since 1995, she is an associate professor since 2017. 

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