State Examination Center started a cooperation with Azerbaijan University

State Examination Center started a cooperation with Azerbaijan University

09 april 2018

Baxış sayı: 4243

As per the agreement reached between the State Examination Center and the Azerbaijan University, Entrance Counseling Center was established at Azerbaijan University to assist applicants seeking higher and secondary vocational education institutions.

Employees of the Center, which started to work on a fee-free basis from today, help the applicants for admission to higher and secondary special education institutions, on the procedure for completing and approving the "Applicant's electronic application" and the technical problems that may arise at this time, the competition conditions, issues to be addressed and so on. Applicants can apply to the "Entrance Counseling Center" for questions they are interested in.

"Entrance Counseling Center" works for 5 days in a week (excluding Saturdays and Sundays) from 10:00 till 17:00.

Address: Baku city, Nasimi dist, Jeyhun Hajibayli 71.

Public Relations Department