An event called Blue Light, dedicated to World Autism Awareness Day was held

An event called Blue Light, dedicated to World Autism Awareness Day was held

02 april 2021

Baxış sayı: 1877

Azerbaijan University hosted a webinar entitled "Blue Light" dedicated to April 2 - World Autism Awareness Day. The event was organized by the "Empathy" club operating under the Department of Social Work. The webinar was moderated by the chairman of the club Shalan Novruzov, a first-year graduate student in Youth Work.

Speaking on "What is Autism", Shalan Novruzov informed about the announcement of the World Autism Awareness Day by the UN and its annual global celebration, the "Light up with blue light" campaign.

Professor of Social Work, Doctor of Psychology Rena Ibrahimbayova noted that autism syndrome is a universal problem and the importance of raising awareness about autism among the population, emphasizing the importance of society's adaptation to children with autism.

Ulker Hasanova, a first-year graduate student majoring in Youth Work, "Early diagnosis", Mahammad Alakbarov, a second-year undergraduate student in social work, Savabt syndrome, Suleymanzadeh Elnur, a first-year graduate student majoring in Youth Work, "Films about Autism Syndrome" Aysel Babayeva, a second-year graduate student majoring in social work in various fields, made a presentation on "Celebrities with Autism."

Tunzala Verdiyeva, Head of the Department of Social Work, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, the first researcher on autism in Azerbaijan, drew attention to research in the field of autism.

Tunzala Verdiyeva commented on J. Itard's "Wild Child from Aveyron", Leo Kanner's "Autistic Disorder of Emotional Communication" and Hans Asperger's "Autistic Psychopad Children". Citing the views of Swedish psychiatrists Eigen Blair and Eric Schopler, the scientist stressed that autism is treated as a difference, not as a disease.

The head of the department noted that the State Strategy for the Development of Education in the Republic of Azerbaijan envisages the creation of an inclusive training methodology for those with special needs as one of the important strategic directions. It is under the guidance of this item that children with autism have been involved in inclusive education in our country. This is a very important event.

Webinar participants watched the animated film "My name is autism."

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