“Space Window”event dedicated to World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day

“Space Window”event dedicated to World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day

12 april 2022

Baxış sayı: 1249

“Space Window”event dedicated to April 12-World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day was held at Azerbaijan University.The event was moderated by the Dean of faculty of Information and Communication Technologies Asif Pashayev.The dean informed the students about the creation of the day and emphasized that the issue of cosmonautics is always relevant.Vice-rector for scientific affairs of Azerbaijan University Yusif Gasimov spoke about the development of Earth civilization and organization of space travel.He said that the development of information technology and space technology are inseparable.Young scientists and specialists of Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory named after Nasreddin Tusi of ANAS also took part in the event.Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists Aynura Hasanova”History and activity of Shamakhi Astrophysics Observatory”,Researcher of the Department of Double Stars and Eruptive Processes Aysel Rustamova” History of Astronomy in Azerbaijan”,Senior Laboratory assistant of the Department of Astronomical Devices and Innovative Technologies Nurlan Sharafxanov “Space Telescopes”,and Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Space Plasma and Heliogeophysics Samadov made a presentation on “Creation and evolution of the universe.

The event ended with discussions around the topic and answering questions.

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