Webinar on epidemics in world history

Webinar on epidemics in world history

04 may 2020

Baxış sayı: 2193

Webinar on “ Epidemics in world history” on the platform of Microsoft Teams was held by professor Gabil Aliyev, head of the Department of Social Sciences of Azerbaijan University. In his speech ,Aliyev informed teachers and students who joined the event about the deadly deseases and epidemics that caused the loss of millions of people, as well as their consequences. At the event it was also noted that Covid 19 ,which occurred in late 2019 has affected the lives of millions of people around the world, radically changed their lifestyles, and most of these changes are projected to be durable for next few years. The event focused on the fight against the coronovirus pandemic in our country, the prevention of the spread of infection, the elimination of complication of the desease, the measures taken to strenghten the social protection of the population and social support projects in our country. The next webinar for postgraduate and dissertators will be organised by the Department of Science on May 6, 2020.Topic of webinar is “Scientific Article; Style and writing methodology” starts at 13.30.p.m. Postgraduate and dissertators willing to participate in the event can contact the Department of Science.

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