The next meeting of the ECAR project, with the participation of rectors, was organized

The next meeting of the ECAR project, with the participation of rectors, was organized

27 june 2022

Baxış sayı: 710

The next meeting of the "Erasmus+" project called "Establishment of the Rectors' Conference in Azerbaijan" (ECAR), in which Azerbaijan University is a partner, was organized with the participation of the rectors. Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Idris Isayev, minister's adviser Nijat Mammadli, and 11 rectors from universities that are members of the project consortium, including the Rector of Azerbaijan University Saadat Aliyeva, took part in the meeting. The primary purpose of the meeting was to discuss the draft Charter of the conference, the work done so far in the project, and future work plans. 

Ibad Abbasov, Rector of Baku Business University, project coordinator, opened the event. The Rector thanked the Ministry of Education for the tremendous support in implementing the mentioned project and brought relevant information about the project implementation to the event participants' attention. 

Then Deputy Minister of Education Idris Isayev made a speech and talked about the works and upcoming tasks to improve the quality of education, increase the competitiveness of higher education, and strengthen the potential of the academic staff. Idris Isayev touched on the importance of the "Establishment of the Azerbaijan Rectors' Conference" project. He said: "It is a successful step in strengthening coordination and cooperation in the higher education system, which positive sharing experiences between higher education institutions, learning international experience, obtaining joint proposals in decision-making, and the existence of a single platform for discussions". In his speech, he expressed the support of the Ministry of Education in this regard. Idris Isayev emphasized the suitability of the committees proposed as part of the conference to the educational strategy, drew attention to the importance of the close participation of higher education institutions in the project and wished success to the work of the event. 

Gulshan Bayramova, Director of the Department of University-Industrial Cooperation of Baku Business University, gave a comprehensive presentation on the implementation of the project and presented suggestions about the organizational structure of the conference and the board of directors for discussion. 

Gulu Novruzov, Rector of the Academy of the State Customs Committee; Havar Mammadov, Rector of Baku Engineering University; Elmar Gasimov, Rector of Baku Higher Oil School, Ahmed Valiyev, Odlar Yurdu University rector, Novruz Mammadov, vice-rector of Azerbaijan Languages University, spoke at the meeting and spoke about achieving the goals of the project for the development of higher education. They emphasized that it is of particular importance. 

The event continued with discussions on the structure of the conference, mechanism of action and other issues. Minister's advisor Nijat Mammadli, who was closely involved in the project, spoke and noted that the Rectors' Conference is an essential tool for better integration into international processes and challenges by achieving actual results and that the project has been successfully implemented in this direction. 

 In the end, Deputy Minister of Education Idris Isayev gave a speech on the results of the meeting and wished success to the project partners. 

 It should be noted that the primary goal of the project financed by the European Commission and covering the years 2021-2024 is to develop a national network and cooperation between universities and other interested parties by establishing a conference of rectors following national development strategies. 

Public Relations Department