The next business meeting of the ECAR project was held

The next business meeting of the ECAR project was held

23 december 2021

Baxış sayı: 1349

The next business meeting of the Erasmus + project "Creation of the Conference of Rectors in Azerbaijan" was organized at the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts. The meeting was held to assess the activities carried out in accordance with the work plan of the project and to discuss the issues planned for the next stage. The event was attended by vice-rectors and officials of 16 local partner universities.

Opening the event, Rector of the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts, Professor Jeyran Mahmudova stressed the importance of the project and wished success.

Speaking at the event, Nijat Mammadli, head of the Department of Science, Higher Education and Secondary Special Education of the Ministry of Education, said the project was successfully launched and was of special importance for the development of higher education in our country, as well as expanding cooperation.

It was noted at the meeting that the working group to form the Azerbaijani model of the rectors' conference will prepare a number of documents on the organizational structure, mission, vision, membership rules, funding mechanisms and establishment of committees within the conference.

At the end, the participants exchanged views on the implementation of the next tasks.

Public Relations Department