A group of teachers of Azerbaijan University participated in the National Accountants Forum

A group of teachers of Azerbaijan University participated in the National Accountants Forum

01 may 2018

Baxış sayı: 5540

Head of the Department of Finance and Economics docent Nariman Boyukkishi and teachers of the department Polad Azizov, Esmira Kiazimova, Tahmasib Huseynov, Elvin Hajiyev and Nasimi Nuriyev participated in the “II National Accountants Forum” held in the Study Center of the Ministry of Taxes. Our delegate participated in organization of events held for studying of problems of the Azerbaijani accountants, stimulation of studies and scientific researches in accounting and tax legislation, enhancement of awareness in international practice and discussion of issues included into agenda of the plenary session and the forum and delivered speech with reports in the sections.

The forum was organized by the Ministry of Taxes, ASK, Board of Auditors, Public Union of Studying Economic Resources, Azerbaijani Auditors and Risk Professionals Associations, Azerbaijani Professional Finance Managers Association, Economic studies and Study Center, Young Accountants Union, Azerbaijan Bank Study Center and Azerbaijan University.

The winners of the best accounting book, article, journal, trainer and program of the year in the field of accounting were awarded in the forum.

The head of the Department of Finance and Economics Elvin Hajiyev delivered a speech in “Auditing of internal control system on the state loans” in the section “State regulation in accounting: in the context of budget organizations, municipality and NGO sector” of the event. In the section “Problems of accounting in the commercial authorities”, the head of the department Nariman Boyukkishi put forth proposals on the accounting and use of amortisation allocations.

In the brain-ring competition organized among the accountants, our teachers Polad Azizov and Esmira Kazimova were addressed some interesting questions. Polad Azizov also took part in the juri staff of the competition in the best national program of accounting. Our teacher staff who took part in the closing ceremony of the event highlighted that the national program on accounting were held at Azerbaijan University, one of the organizers of the national forum. Polad Azizov stated that, the staff of the Azerbaijan University – dean of the Information and Communicatioin technologies Asif Pashayev and Finance Department director Azar Rashidov also attended the commission established for assessment of the works submitted to the competition.

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