Annual Report meeting of Empathy Club was held

Annual Report meeting of Empathy Club was held

22 december 2022

Baxış sayı: 8706

The reporting meeting for 2022 of the Empathy Club, operating as part of the Department of Organization of Social Work, was held at Azerbaijan University. At the meeting, the chairman of the Club, a fourth-year student majoring in Social Work, Mahammad Alakbarov, spoke about the trainings held by the Club during the year. The сhairman noted that the trainings are devoted to topics relevant to the Social Work students, aimed at their professional development and improvement their social skills.  

The first training held by the Club in 2022 was devoted to the topic “How to organize motivation”. Moderator of the training was the chairman of the Club, Mahammad Alakbarov. Later, the Club facilitators organized trainings on such topics as “General information on volunteering” by Nazrin Rzayeva, “Leadership concept” by Casur Madatzade, “Psychosocial assistance for psychological trauma of personality” by Solmaz Abbasli, “Body language and human psychology” by Gulay Alkhanli, “Mental health” by Mehriban Rizayeva, “CV compilation rules” by Medina Rahimova, and “Social work in the field of Psychiatry” by Elvin Abdullayev, acting as a social worker in the “Solidarity initiative for health” project of the World Health Organization. 

And the last training was aimed at motivation. Emin Mammadov's training was about “Take a Step!”. 

Mahammad Alakbarov expressed confidence that the Club will continue its work productively in the next period, and wished success to the newly elected chairman. 

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