We congratulate Professor Ferahim Sadigov on his birthday

We congratulate Professor Ferahim Sadigov on his birthday

10 september 2018

Baxış sayı: 6420

Today is birthday of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Azerbaijan University Farahim Sadigov.

We congratulate prominent scientist of his birthday on behalf of the staff of Azerbaijan University and wish him good health, and success in his scientific, pedagogical and publicistic activity.

Farahim Balakishi Sadigov was born in Masally region in 1947. He graduated from the philological faculty of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University in 1969. He defended his candidate thesis at the Georgian Scientific Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences in 1984, and he defended his doctorate dissertation in Baku in 1992.

For his efficient activity he was awarded with the title "Advanced Education Figure", "Academician Yusif Mammadaliyev Award Winner" and "Mushfig Prize".

He is the scientist who is also known as a singer, composer and author of several dances, tasnifs, and his 4 music numbers are stored in the gold fund of the Azerbaijani radio.

Farahim Sadigov is Editor-in-Chief of the "National School of Pedagogy" journal, and a member of the editorial board of more than 30 newspapers and magazines published in Azerbaijan.

Along with scientific research works, he has been engaged in pedagogical activity in higher education institutions in different years. He is a real member of the International Turkic Academy. Mr. Sadigov is a professor of Azerbaijan University.

He is the author of more than 50 books and 500 scientific articles.

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