Fərdi inkişaf mühazirələrinin növbəti qonağı peşəkar təlimçi Fəxri Ağayev olub

Fərdi inkişaf mühazirələrinin növbəti qonağı peşəkar təlimçi Fəxri Ağayev olub

20 october 2017

Baxış sayı: 5672

In this week vice – president of AAAF Holding, business consultant and professional trainer Fexri Agayev was invited to deliver a lecture to students on individual development program’s lectures carrying out on regular basis in Azerbaijan University.

The lecture’s topic was ‘ Successful career and ’ Fexri Agayev presented students professional approaches and lessons drawn on own practice about this topic.

The trainer’s main message was that for building of successful career it is necessary to develop personal traits, social, interpersonal and communication skills alongside with study of basic higher education disciplines.

From this point students should be effective in self –development during period of study in university. The basics of successful career are created in university but student’s development is not ended by graduation from university and should be long-life development.

At the end of lecture, trainer answered the questionsof students.

Public Relations Department