The next book signing day of “Start if you are young” was held at Azerbaijan University

The next book signing day of “Start if you are young” was held at Azerbaijan University

16 november 2017

Baxış sayı: 5370

The next book signing day of “Start if you are young” written by Nadir Adilov, Assosiate Professor and the graduate of Azerbaijan University was held at Azerbaijan University.

At the event Nadir Adilov noted that all issues related to personal development and healthy career building of the youths were discussed in the book and reminded that the income from the sales of the book was directed to the "Volunteer" Student Scholarship Program.  The author stated that 6 volunteer students, who would be selected through the competition, would receive a one-time scholarship of 500 AZN within the framework of the program. Future funding of the projects submitted by volunteer students is also envisaged.

Nadir Adilov also spoke about the importance of volunteers’ activities and called on the participants to actively participate in the volunteer movement in the country.

The book signing day continued in the form of a debate. He signed his books and answered the questions that interested the participants.

The book describing the ways of becoming a successful graduate student in a practical way was published by the decision of the Scientific Council of Azerbaijan University. The author of the book is Advisor to the Chairman of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Deputy Chairman of the Azerbaijan Lawyers Confederation, Vice-president of the Azerbaijan Paintball Federation, PhD in Law, Associate Professor Nadir Adil oglu Adilov is a graduate of Azerbaijan University. He studied both levels of higher education at Azerbaijan University. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Law in 1998, Master's Degree in International Law in 2000.

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