Gender researcher Kifayat Agayeva was a guest of our students

Gender researcher Kifayat Agayeva was a guest of our students

26 april 2022

Baxış sayı: 1687

Kifayat Agayeva, a gender researcher, associate professor, doctor of philosophy, head of the regional studies department of the Azerbaijan University of Languages, was the next guest lecturer of the subject "Introduction to Gender" taught by the teacher of the Department of Social Work of the University of Azerbaijan, Professor Mehrangiz Najafizade. Introducing the guest to the students, Mehrangiz Najafizadeh noted that Kifayat Agayeva is one of the leading scientists in Azerbaijan in the field of gender problems, the author of about 10 books and dozens of scientific articles in this field.

In the lecture, Kifayat Agayeva spoke about gender concepts, gender models, gender ideology in Soviet Azerbaijan, gender equality policy in Azerbaijan during independence, gender issues in the world and in Azerbaijan, socialization of gender issues, development of the women's movement and feminism. She also clarified gender terminology.

The guest lecturer noted that half of the world's population is women and the fate of our planet depends on women's education.

In the course of the discussion, Kifayat Agayeva answered students' questions about the essence of gender, gender issues in the world and in Azerbaijan.

It should be noted that Mehrangiz Najafizadeh, who teaches "Introduction to Gender", is a professor at the University of Kansas in the United States. She joined the staff of Azerbaijan University with the Fullbright Program for the spring semester of the 2021/2022 academic year.

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