A webinar was held on the topic "Don`t let your passion be your last breath"

A webinar was held on the topic

25 may 2021

Baxış sayı: 1911

Empathy Club, which operates within the Department of Social Work, held a webinar dedicated to the consequences of drug addiction on the topic "Don't let your passion be your last breath". The guest of the event was the head of the department of the Republican Narcology Center, psychiatrist, narcologist Parvin Mammadov.

The topics on "Psychotropic substances" by Shalan Novruzov, a first-year student majoring in youth work, "The role of psychological factors, family and personality traits in addictions" by Kamala Abbasova, a second-year master's student in social work in various fields of life, and Aygun Muradli's " Persons with disabilities’ addiction of drug and its consequences” were presented .

Parvin Mammadov commented on the students' presentations, emphasizing the importance of organizing awareness-raising events and preventive work in the fight against drugs. Parvin Mammadov answered the questions of the participants.

Tunzala Verdiyeva, head of the department of social work organization, said that the webinar is the last event of the Empathy Club for this academic year. The head of the department thanked Parvin Mammadov for accepting the invitation and the club members and students for their initiative and organized events during the year.

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