Dean of the ICT Faculty Asif Pashayev will take part in the training in Turkey

Dean of the ICT Faculty Asif Pashayev will take part in the training in Turkey

05 march 2022

Baxış sayı: 1068

Dean of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies of Azerbaijan University Asif Pashayev will take part in a training on "Human-computer interfaces" within the project "Professional development of educators and study of international experience" that will be held at Middle East Technical University of Turkey on March 21-27. The aim of the project is to select potential teachers who will teach the subject "Human-computer interfaces" based on modern challenges and to develop a curriculum and textbook for the subject. Professor of Middle East Technical University Kurshat Cagiltay is an expert of this project, which is also attended by specialists from various higher education institutions of our country.

Within the framework of the project, 10 teachers selected as a result of theoretical and practical trainings are planned to visit the “Human-computer interaction” laboratory at Middle East Technical University. In addition, Kurshat Cagiltay's book "From Theory to Practice. Human - Computer Interaction and Applied Engineering", which is the main textbook in many universities in Turkey, will be translated into Azerbaijani by specialists, and 1,000 copies will be donated to Azerbaijani universities.

It should be noted that 9 projects in three priority areas within the grant competition "Development of higher and secondary special education in 2021/2022" are being implemented in universities under the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, along with the capital Baku, Lankaran, Mingachevir and Nakhchivan. Nakhchivan University implements the project "Professional development of educators and study of international experience" in the field of "Human-computer interfaces" in the category "Development and application of new and modern educational content in specialties." The project, which started in December 2021, will be completed in October 2022.

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