It was an online discussion on combating trafficking in human beings

It was an online discussion on combating trafficking in human beings

11 december 2020

Baxış sayı: 3001

An online discussion on "The role of civil society institutions and social workers in combating human trafficking and forced labor" was organized by the Department of Social Work.

The head of the department Tunzala Verdiyeva noted that the discussion was organized to ensure the implementation of the "National Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2020-2024" approved by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on July 22, 2020 and presented the speakers.

The event was moderated by the teacher of the department Ulvi Aliyev. Ulvi Aliyev noted that public safety, as one of the most profitable areas of criminal business, assault on human dignity, gross violation of individual rights and freedoms is one of the most pressing issues in global problems. Azerbaijan, guiding by international agreements to which Azerbaijan is a party, has taken appropriate steps to improve the application of legislation in the fight against human trafficking. As a visual confirmation of these steps, the National Action Plan for 2020-2024 on combating human trafficking in the Republic of Azerbaijan was adopted by the Order of President Ilham Aliyev. In his speech, Ulvi Aliyev informed about the purpose of the National Action Plan and the main principles of its implementation and funding mechanisms.

Member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Professor of the Department Mayis Aliyev has made a speech on "Social work with victims of trafficking", "Clean World", Head of the Women's Aid Public Union Mehriban Zeynalova on "Role of shelters in social reintegration of victims of trafficking", head of the Center for Assistance to Victims of Human Trafficking of the Social Services Agency of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Habiba Garibova on "Directions of state policy in the fight against human trafficking."

Afterwards, presentations were made by Sema Mammadova and Sakina Maharramova, students of the Azerbaijan University majoring in social work. The students' presentations covered topics such as the factors that create conditions for involvement in human trafficking, traditional methods and forms of involvement, and the problems of rehabilitation of victims of human trafficking.

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