The new issue of the “Ipek Yolu” journal is available on the university website

The new issue of the “Ipek Yolu” journal is available on the university website

09 april 2020

Baxış sayı: 3491

The first issue of the Ipek Yolu scientific journal articles of the Azerbaijan University for 2020 is available on the university’s website ( in the electronic version.

In this issue of the journal, articles in English and Russian were accepted concerning economic, philological, historical, and social sciences.

The archive of the “Ipek Yolu” journal, which publishes scientific articles with serious reviews, can be viewed in an online form on the website of Azerbaijan University. Articles prepared according to the instructions, authors can send to the email address

The journal is included in the “List of recommended periodic scientific publications for the publication of the main conclusions of dissertations in the Azerbaijan Republic” of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Besides, the journal is included in the international indexed E-library databases - RSCI (Russia), Academic Keys (USA), ResearchBib - Academic Resource Index (Japan), Scientific Indexing Services - SIS (USA), Directory of Research Journals Indexing (India), Advanced Science Index - ASI (Germany), Root Indexing - Journal Abstracting and Indexing Service (India), Eurasian Scientific Journal Index - ESJI (Russia), Science Library Index (Australia), JI Factor (USA).

Link to the first issue for 2020 /az/menu/484/ipekyolu-elmi-jurnali-01-2020

Link to the journal page

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