Vugar Bayramov, the economic expert meets the students of Azerbaijan University

Vugar Bayramov, the economic expert meets the students of Azerbaijan University

20 december 2016

Baxış sayı: 5145

Today, Vugar Bayramov, the well-known economic expert has had a meeting with the students of the School of Business and Economics at Azerbaijan University. He answered participants' questions concerning current issues in Economics. 

The event was opened by Vusal Hasanov, the dean of the School of Business and Economics. Dean introduced the guest and informed the participants about the event.

Vugar Bayramov, the economic expert said he was pleased to meet with the students of the University. The expert noted that since its establishment the university operates on the principles of transparency in education and with its traditions takes a very important place in the field of education of the country. 

Vugar Bayramov by associating economic theory and trainings with current issues summarised it for students. The guest also brought interesting aspects of the theories into attention. 

Afterwards the expert answered the participants questions related to the depreciation of the Azerbaijani manat against the US dollar, expectations of 2017, the relationship between inflation and unemployment, devaluation, liberal exchange rate, banks' credit policy, the denomination, the strategic roadmap of national economy, etc.                                                          

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