A specialist from the Career Development Center was elected a member of the board

A specialist from the Career Development Center was elected a member of the board

15 march 2021

Baxış sayı: 2791

Fakhraddin Abdullayev, a specialist at the Career Development Center of the Azerbaijan University, has been elected a member of the Board of the Council of Career Centers.

At the meeting of the State Employment Agency in connection with the elections to the Board of the Council of Career Centers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Lala Rasulova, Chief Specialist of the Department of Vocational Training and Vocational Orientation, informed about the activities of the Council. After the speech, the candidates informed about their platforms. Then the election process began. The voting process was carried out by voters by marking 5 candidates from the list in complete secrecy. Candidates participating in the elections had one voting right from each Career Center. The 6 candidates who received the most votes were elected to the board. As a result of the election, the composition of the board was formed as follows:

  1. Tarana Aslanova - ADA University
  2. Aida Bayramova - Azerbaijan University of Tourism and Management
  3. Fakhraddin Abdullayev - Azerbaijan University
  4. Amirkhan Isayev - Sumgayit State University
  5. Emil Aslanli - Baku Higher Oil School
  6. Ilkin Sharifov - Baku State University
  7. Representative of the State Employment Agency
  8. Representative of the Ministry of Education

We congratulate our employee and wish him success in his activity.

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