Culturologist Fuad Mammadov gave a lecture at Azerbaijan University

Culturologist Fuad Mammadov gave a lecture at Azerbaijan University

05 october 2017

Baxış sayı: 6995

Professor of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, President of the Azerbaijan Cultural Association "Simurg" Fuad Mammadov gave a lecture at Azerbaijan University. The event was held within the framework of "Master Class lectures", which is part of the Individual Development Program.

The interactive lecture is devoted to the basic concepts of Culturology. While clarifying the concepts such as culture, leading cultural directions, intellectual and mental culture, spiritual culture, basic factors of cultural development, also difference between cultural and civilization phenomena was explained, and the role of social environment in cultural development was emphasized in the lecture.

Interesting discussions were also held on the evaluation criteria for human

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