Masters Held Training at the Secondary Music School Named after Bulbul

Masters Held Training at the Secondary Music School Named after Bulbul

12 november 2019

Baxış sayı: 3444

Masters of Azerbaijan University held educational training for students dedicated to gender equality. The training is organized for the IX, X and XI classes of the the Secondary Music School Named after Bulbul. The training on “Human Rights and Gender Equality for Youth” was conducted by the “Empathy Club” trainers under the Social Work Organization Department and masters of “Social Work in All Fields on Life Activities” Kamala Abbasova and Gunesh Shirvanzade.

The training covered such topics as the right to education, the right to rest, gender issues in our constitution, human trafficking, exploitation and its forms, domestic violence, gender equality, early marriages, gender-based discrimination in girls' education, and employment issues for disabled young women.

The discussions were held in these spheres and students' questions were answered.

Public Relations Department