Our master`s students will study the fall semester in Italy

Our master's students will study the fall semester in Italy

17 may 2021

Baxış sayı: 2597

Elimkhan Aliyev and Nigar Rahimova- two students of Azerbaijan University will continue their education in the autumn semester of 2021/2022 academic year at Sapienza University in Italy.

Students have the right to study at the partner university under the Erasmus + exchange program.

Elimkhan Aliyev is an MBA (Finance) and Nigar Rahimova is a first-year master's student in Linguistics (English).

It should be noted that Azerbaijan University, which believes that the study of international experience and participation in the exchange process is an important part of education, attaches special importance to the expansion of international relations and puts forward initiatives for students to study abroad.

Students and faculty are offered student and teacher exchange opportunities at European and Turkish-funded Erasmus +, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Republic of Turkey's Mevlana program at partner universities in Europe and Turkey.

Public Relations Department