The scientific and pedagogical experience of master`s students continues

The scientific and pedagogical experience of master's students continues

03 march 2022

Baxış sayı: 1115

The scientific and pedagogical experience of the second-year students studying at the master's degree of the Azerbaijan University continues. During the internship, students learn the forms and methods of pedagogical activity at the Azerbaijan,University get acquainted with the activities of departments and faculties, working principles, participate in lectures and classes, apply the pedagogical side of their specialties in practice.

It should be noted that the scientific and pedagogical practice of master's students will end on March 16, 2022. The purpose of scientific-pedagogical practice is to master the practical bases of pedagogy and acquire skills, to master the methodology of compiling scientific-methodical materials, to participate in lectures, laboratory classes and seminars conducted by experienced teachers, to conduct test classes for undergraduate students.

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