“Reading Day” has been organized in the library dedicated to the creative work of Mohammed Fuzuli

“Reading Day” has been organized in the library dedicated to the creative work of Mohammed Fuzuli

03 january 2018

Baxış sayı: 5109

On the initiative of the Scientific Library of the Azerbaijan University, the "Reading Day" has been organized devoted to literary creative work of the great thinker of the 16th century of Azerbaijani literature, Mohammed Fuzuli.

Sakina Huseynova, a 2nd year student of the Humanities Faculty, provided a general overview on Fuzuli`s life and creativity at the "Reading Day". It was noted that Mohammad Fuzuli is known as one of the most famous and prominent representatives of the divan genre in the history of Azerbaijan and Turkish literature.

Konul Isayeva, Farana Mikayilova, shared their knowledge with friends on the irrational and imaginary views of the poet in his works on the basis of the scientific sources.

Library staff was informed about the works of the great poet placed in the library's fund.

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