Winners of "My University" writing contest have been awarded

Winners of

11 december 2017

Baxış sayı: 7207

Winners of "My University" writing contest, dedicated to the 26th anniversary of Azerbaijan University, have been awarded.

The rector of the university Saadat Aliyeva speaking at the event held on this occasion, informed about the history, trends and outcomes of the competition. She noted that, not only  the students, but also the graduates of the university participated in the competition. The Rector said that Azerbaijan University is delighted with the success of their graduates, always interested in their employment level and trying to establish closer ties with them.

The winners noted that they consider this competition commendable and expressed their gratitude to the university administration.

Then the award ceremony was held. According to the decision of the jury, 2008 year graduate of the History specialty of the University, Heydarli Shafag was announced a winner of the competition. 2016 year graduate of the World Economy specialty Asadova Ayten won the 2nd place and 2017 year graduate of the Teacher of Foreign Language (English) Gular Aliyeva the third place.

The winners were awarded certificates and valuable gifts by the university administration. The winner of the contest were awarded notebook, and the winners of the second and third places were respectively presented tablet and smartphone.

The winner of the contest, Heydarli Shafag is a history teacher at the village secondary school in Girag Kasaman in Agstafa district. The winner of the II place Asadova Ayten is a Human Resources Manager at the Azerbaijan University.

The jury has also determined the distinctive nominations. The articles submitted by Sabuhi Musayev, a graduate of bachelor degree in 2005 and a graduate of international law in 2007, Vusal Kazimov, a graduate of the Foreign Language (English) Teacher in 2014, Akhundova Vafa, a fourth-year student in Translation and Alagozova Zibeyda, the second-year student of Master's degree in Computer Science and Asgarova Gunay, the 1st year student of magistracy have been awarded a special certificate.

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