Our graduates justify our trust

Our graduates justify our trust

22 november 2017

Baxış sayı: 5007

Azerbaijan University carries out a number of organizational, informative and educational activities to address employment problems according  to the graduates’  career and employment strategy.  

One of these events was organized in September-October of 2017 for the graduates of 2013 and the following years. Thus, 10 graduates selected through interview process participated in the free training course with professional trainers for “Examination for recruitment to the Ministry of Taxes”.

The participants who completed the classes successfully demonstrated high results at the competition stage of the “Examination for recruitment to the Ministry of Taxes”. Ilham Rustamov, one of the graduates of the State and Municipal Administration of the School of Business and Economics, was included in the list of reserve personnel of the ministry meeting all the requirements of the interview stage at the highest level. Results of examination were publicised via website of the Ministry.

Ilham Kazim  Rustamov was assigned to the position of State Tax Inspector of TaxpayersService and Transparent Tax Partnership Office of the Regional Tax Department No 12 by the decree of the Minister of Taxes on November 17, 2017.

We congratulate our graduate and wish him success!

Public Relations Department