Azerbaijan University hosts scientific conference dedicated to actual problems of national economy development

Azerbaijan University hosts scientific conference dedicated to actual problems of national economy development

10 october 2018

Baxış sayı: 3977

The Republican Scientific Conference on "Actual Problems and Perspective Directions of the Development of the National Economy in the Context of Modernization" was held at Azerbaijan University today..

The  Rector of the University  Saadat Aliyeva with her greetings decleared the ceremony opened. Saadat Aliyeva noted that in 2018, Azerbaijan University has hosted various international and national scientific conferences.She has mentioned that  the purpose of the conferance is to involve scientific environment in the research of the actual problems of the developemen of the national economics and to present platform for discussion and share of the achieved scientific results.

The  Rector  of the University also noted that in the last 15 years under the leadership of president Ilham Aliyev economic  construction in our country has been extended in a large scale.Seadat Aliyeva who expressed her proudness of the growing economy of Azerbaijan year after year introduced  plenary reporters to the participants and wished success to the ceremony.

 The Correspondent member of  Anas, professor Akif Musayev told about the extension of the competitiveness of the Azerbaijan Economy.He  mentioned that the Economy of Azerbaijan was being developed on the bases of   maps and programs that refer to the scientific basis.In his statement the professor gave a large information about “ tha State Program on the extension of digital payment in Azerbaijan Republic during the 2018-2020 years “.

The department manager of the Economics İnstitute of ANAS,Tofig Huseynov has mentioned that  the main directions of the developement of Azerbaijan Economy had been reflected in the decrees and orders which  was signed by the president Ilham Aliyev in the years of  2003-2008.It was also mentioned that,the execution of some duties in the project map would play a great role in the developement of our country.

The plenary reporter of the conferance ,the head of the department of management and organization of scientific activity at Azerbaijan State Economic University ,professor,doctor of economics Zahid Mammadov’s speech was dedicated to the modern university mission.

Assistant director on scientific studies of Russian Economic School of Azerbaijan State Economic University, doctor of economics,professor Elshad Mamamadov delivered speech on the topic “Management of innovative economics based on scientific progress”. Elshad Mammadov noted that despite the fact that Azerbaijan is a young state, it has competitive advantages, allowing for a very successful and stable economic development.

After the break, conference  continued in two sections on the topic of Actual issues of sustainable development of Azerbaijan's economy and Main directions of modernization in the conditions of innovative economy.

At the end of the scientific conference reports of the chairmen of the divisions were listened and discussions were held.

The materials of the conference were published in bulk and submitted to the participants during the registration process.

Public Relations Department