Qualifying round of the National Consecutive Interpretation Contest within Azerbaijan University took place

Qualifying round of the National Consecutive Interpretation Contest within Azerbaijan University took place

20 december 2023

Baxış sayı: 382

Qualifying round of the 2nd National Consecutive Interpretation Contest to be held at Khazar University was held at Azerbaijan University. 14 students took part in the qualifying round. This stage involved students majoring in English medium specialities of Translation (English language) of the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Business and Economics, who have strong consecutive interpretation skills.

The jury consisting of Milana Abbasova, head of the Department of English language and literature at Khazar University, Elvin Abbasbeyli, the first Azerbaijani member of the International Association of Conference Interpreters, accredited interpereter of the president and government of France, coordinator of the Khazar University Translation Center, and Zamira Gurbanova, the lecturer of this University, evaluated the students on the basis of previously defined criteria.

Samira Mammadova, head of the Department of Translation and Philology of Azerbaijan University, Azad Mammadov, professor of the Department, and Aygun Gasimova, head of the Foreign Languages Department, participated here as observers.

Winners of the qualifying round will represent Azerbaijan University at the final stage of the competition, which will be held in May.

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