Our teachers presented the project named “Healthy Education – Healthy Nation” at the international conference

Our teachers presented the project named “Healthy Education – Healthy Nation” at the international conference

05 may 2021

Baxış sayı: 1897

Nigar Shahhuseynbeyova and Aynur Bunyatova- teachers of the Social Work Department at Azerbaijan University, spoke at the international conference on the Humanities, Social, and Educational Sciences organized by the International Society for Technology, Education and Sciences (ISTES). The speech was on the topic of “Multidisciplinary development of sustainable education”.

The results of the monitoring carried out within the “Healthy Education – Healthy Nation” project of Azerbaijan Republic were presented in the research work. The aim of the “Healthy Education – Healthy Nation” project is to create a healthy learning environment in general and special education institutions, as well as special classes of general education institutions, to develop and apply health-protective educational technologies, to eliminate other factors, to protect their health. All this, in turn, serves to raise healthy Azerbaijani citizens.

The conference was supported by Scopus of Elsevier, a leading Dutch research analyst, and the Web of Science platform of Thomson Reuters. The conference was attended by 22 countries, including The United States, Greece, Ukraine, Taiwan, Azerbaijan, Albania, Turkey, Sweden, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Croatia, Qatar, Malaysia, Portugal, The Philippines, New Zealand, France, Israel, Singapore, Spain, Brazil and Morocco with nearly 100 participants.

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